legal services for

compliance should not stand in the way of operational delivery. complex problems call for audacious solutions; Your Creativity is your greatest asset.

our deeply informed legal advice turns the law to your advantage. work with us to protect your equities, assure your investors and maintain your competitive edge.

Let’s talk


  • Dismantling software and hardware to understand its inner workings can reveal proprietary secrets subject to legal protections. Plan ahead to mitigate legal risk.

  • You use advanced tradecraft to identify weaknesses in clients’ defences. Does their consent alone mitigate all your legal risk?

  • triage, mitigation, remediation, attribution: Ensure your processes address data protection, self-reporting, litigation, reputation management and financial sanctions.

  • Leverage compute to reveal new insights from big data. Protect your investment by Staying ahead of emerging regulatory requirements.

  • support grant applications, assure funding bodies and secure ethical approval with comprehensive legal appraisal of research methodology.

  • obtaining data at scale can provide rich material for analysis, especially if it’s not obviously in the clear. Is your collection activity lawful?

  • Data provenance affects its value. Understand and recover compromised data without inviting intrusion or misrepresenting its origins.


  • Let’s talk. After an initial discussion I can provide advice in writing, allowing time for follow-up to ensure I’ve hit the mark. Get in touch for a no-obligation quotation.

  • sounds great. After an initial scoping meeting we’ll agree the timing and deliverables for the project, setting realistic deadlines and check-in points as required. Drop me an email to get things started.

  • certainly, I can assist with interpretation, drafting, variations, disputes and more, including advice as to the practical effect of contractual terms and whether you should sign up to them.

  • No problem. We’ll meet to discuss the context and establish your objectives and red lines, as well as the personalities involved. I can negotiate in person or in writing and help with the formalisation of the outcome.

  • as a barrister, courtroom advocacy is my specialism. Atfter an initial discussion I’ll review any paperwork and recommend a litigation plan. This is likely to include drafting documents, representation in court and ongoing advice.

  • Let’s talk! I provide a virtual general counsel service, learning your business and providing in-house advice, consultancy and negotiating on your behalf. This works particularly well for rapid-growth teams and startups, providing a surge resource to lay the foundations for future success.

Get in Touch

Outline your questions and Request a free, no-obligation consultation.

“Every generation welcomes the pirates from the last.”

– Lawrence Lessig